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Chan Wai Tak Vida

Registered Chinese Medical Practitioner

PhD Candidate, 

Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine

Master of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Moxibustion,

The University of Hong Kong

Bachelor of Chinese Medicine and Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biomedical Science,

The Baptist University of Hong Kong

Ben Hui,
Orthopedic Therapist

Hang Kin Chinese Medicine (Lok Fu) was established in 2014, offering comprehensive Chinese medical services to the community.


Ms Chan Wai Tak Vida is the 4th graduate of School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University. She obtained her Master Degree in Acupuncture at the School of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong in 2008.


Dr. Chan is one of the first scholars of Hong Kong Hospital Authority Training Fellowships.


In 2009, she was sent to Shanghai by the Hospital Authority to be trained as a specialist in the Department of Neurology, Acupuncture and Massage, Shanghai Yueyang Hospital. 


She served as a medical practitioner in the Hong Kong Buddhist Association-The University of Hong Kong Clinical Center for Teaching and Research in Chinese Medicine after returning from Shanghai.


She is specialized in using multivariate time balancing acupuncture to treat various bone pain, stroke sequelae, facial palsy, stroke, pediatric autism and other neurological disorders.


Dr. Chan is currently a PhD student of Professor Luo Songping, the director of Gynecology in Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, to further her studies on gynecological diseases, including irregular menstruation, menopause, infertility and gynecological care.

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